Element of Change

  • CONSULTANTS / Management & Leadership Coaching
410 NE 69th Cirr
Boca Raton, FL 33487
(770) 870-0889
Monday - Friday [9-4pm]

About Us

Element of Change, a South Florida-based firm, specializes in accelerating trust, reducing turnover, and kickstarting growth plans within 90 days for organizations undergoing leadership transitions. read more
  • About

    Element of Change, a South Florida-based firm, specializes in accelerating trust, reducing turnover, and kickstarting growth plans within 90 days for organizations undergoing leadership transitions. We understand the uncertainties that accompany leadership changes, from questioning trust in new leaders to concerns about restarting growth timelines. While HR and operators may lack the bandwidth to focus on retaining talent post-leader departure, we step in to address the turnover they can control. Our distinct approach to leadership and team-building fosters human-centric cultures and collaborative dynamics, ensuring cohesive and productive environments where everyone can thrive during transitions

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